Sunday, April 23, 2006

Spotlight Member of the Moment--Angie

Our Spotlight Member of the Moment
Name: Angie
Place of birth: Chicago
Occupation: Commercial Insurance Account Executive
First thing you'd buy after winning the lottery? Hummer
Which cartoons did you watch as a child? Scooby Doo
Best vacation ever? Disney World
What do you do in your spare time? Movie Nut
Pirates or Ninjas, and why did you pick that one? Pirates...there is something about being taken advantage by a pirate...arrrr!
What time is your alarm clock set for right now? Noon
What's the greatest invention of all time? Computer
Lost Boys
Fruit: Strawberries
Song: Dream On
Singer: Steven Tyler
Candle scent: Melon
Web site:

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Long Awaited Shush Tee

Don't Make me Shush your Ass Shirt
Over three years in the making, the CLNN Superstore is pleased to announce the New Shush Tee. It's the shirt that launched it all, and now it comes in Sexy Black.

The New Shush Tee. Countless have asked for it. Be the first to get it, before they're all gone! Remember if someone comes whining because you got the shirt first, just smile and say "Don't make me shush your ass!"

You're Never Alone with MONKEYS!

'Mr. Monkey Thinks I'm Special' Shirt
Relationships can be troublesome for some. The gifts, the pressure, the sense of needing to make everything pecial. Its all too much!

Well Mr. Monkey wants you to sit back and relax, because you are special.
Whether you're happily in love or quirky alone, remember you aren't all that alone because
Mr. Monkey Loves You!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Site Setup On The Way

Things are looking brighter, as work progresses on the new Curmudgeony Librarian website, titled CLNN:Curmudgeony Librarian News Network. Gone are the days of a far flung blog, cafepress shop, and a saddly unupdated geocities site. By bringing the three items together under a single page, it is hopped that new and better content will arise.
Currently, I am working on new templates for each part of the site and hope to have them done soon.